there is a secret to this page. keep a look out and you may find another path.

- Vagabond -
Name/Alias: Ly’ara, Coda
Nicknames: Ly
Age: appears to be about mid 20s (BD 10/3)
Hair: Long; White/Black with Purple Highlights
Eyes: Clear Gold
Species/Ethnicity: Shetonan Rava Viera
Status: Saryn
Occupations: Dancer, Culinary, +1
Languages: Knows most common languages including sign to make up for the lack of readingAppearance:
->Tribal face paint and markings. Floral and mandala design tattoo that covers her left arm shoulders, back to the right hip and leg. Some would appear to cover some scars.
->She is small, especially for her gender and race. some might think her a 'runt'Facts
-> Due to her travels, she does lack in academia since her mother was not knowledgeable in Eorzean teachings. She did learn how to read enough to get through but still has difficulty.
-> Also due to her travels she is very knowledgeable about plants, herbs and spices especially for teas and some medicines.
->While she is not professional, traveling has allowed her to have a hand in many skills that aided her. 'Street smart' so to speak
-> There is a more complex reason as to why she is always followed by butterflies (if you see them)
Minor Hooks
-Need something hand-delivered somewhere?--Ly’ara loves to cook and had traveled far and wide to learn all that she can. She still not quite there but would love to share her food with anyone hungry--You might find Ly’ara dancing somewhere. Approach her if you want a performance as she has melded dancing of many places into her routine.
No sooner after she was born was she whisked away from Tural by her mother, though for reasons to this day are unknown. Her mother quickly took too the shadows with her baby when reaching Eorzea, and with no knowledge of their lifestyle and culture, could not find a suitable place to raise her. With an eye over her shoulder and her Viera features mostly hidden, she traveled from place to place, sticking to small caravans, camps, and villages and only ever going into the cities if necessary. Eventually she found herself running into a nomadic troop, and with her child growing, decided to follow along with them and their adventures, feeling it at least safe enough since they were never in one place for long. Throughout the years, Her Mother taught Ly'ara everything she learned like hunting, cooking, though mentioning very little of her past. Dancing, which was her mother’s favored form of art, became a benefited both them and their now family of vagabonds as they traveled with entertainment to better earn Gil. As Ly'ara grew into a young woman, Her Mother started to tach her not just dancing but fighting and defending herself through similar techniques of dance and Aether. Unknown to her mother, Ly’ara also learned the unconscious effort of looking over her should but what she was possibly looking for, she did not know.One evening when everything seemed fine with the world, Ly’ara woken p to shadows surrounding her. disappearing as quickly they had come, Ly;ara was left to find her mother cold with her blood slowly seeping into the earth. In her state of shock, she could not even scream. So she ran. Away from her mother, away from what ever family she might have known, and like her mother, took to the shadows.Ly'ara continued the vagabond lifestyle traveling far and wide but now with an additional purpose; though after years, she would lose much hope and motivation of ever finding the culprit. Using dancing as her excuse to travel and fit into places where one might glean more information.Only worse began to follow her.--TBC--
OOC @Ara
Thanks for checking in!
OOC: 21+ Non-binary
Always a Work in Progress
--Please keep IC and OOC separate.--
--> and amateur to RP so please be nice. Anything said OOC or IC does not reflect on either. I'm terrible at Ice Breaking
-->You found a mimic
-->I can adapt to any kind of rp style, most themes, and/or formatting with a few exceptions of course. i try my best with para-rp but please understand that i may need time.
-->I do keep documentation of RP sessions when established. Feel free to ask if you want me to share.
-->I don't always have my rp tag on but still feel free to DM
--> Mare
(if you know you know)
--> 21+ RP Character and Theme
I have started branching out and offering my help with making carrds using the UI. Let me know if you are interested.
Sometime i get the creative burst and do gposes for the fun. feel free to ask.
--Discord - lyarathiana--